
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Admin Post 090308

Hi all, as of yesterday, we have discussed the following issues:

1. Monday 100308

  • There will be a music exchange with several primary schools, hosted by our main band. There is a request here for those who can make it to help out. Meeting time will be at 1300hrs, in Anderson Sec.

2. Alumni Band practice 130308

  • The main band will be having their band camp in preparation for the concert. The camp is on the 13th Mar, Thursday and ends on the 14th Mar, Friday. 2D/1N.
  • There will be a combined practice for the alumni on the night of 13th Mar, at 7pm. Please try your very best to turn up as this will be one of the rare chances that we'll get to practise with the main band for our piece 'Tomorrow'.
  • A sms will be sent reminding u on tue or wed again. Please do not be late.

3. QM Matters

  • Any accessories that u all need, pls contact Craig. So that we can make an inventory of items to bring. For e.g. reeds and TUNERS! if u intend to tune using your ears. lol

4. Ticketing Matters

  • As polled, please ensure you sell the number of tickets that you have given us. This to ensure the number of tickets that the alumni is confident is selling. I know its hard so we'll just have to try harder =)

Please listen to the recording of Jap Graf 9 by yuhua alumni below. I took some time to do this so pls pls the least everybody can do is to look through at least once:

There are both good and bad points in this recording. Learn from others' mistakes/good points and do our best in improving.

One main prob of the band now: Tuning.

Once u know u are out of tune or your friend is VERY out of tune, pls at least bother to tell them or solve the problem. Dont say you don't know whether you are flat or sharp. If you really duno, just try both and see which one is correct la! haha...

Because there will surely be some parts that are more prone to intonation probs, solve them NOW when u still can. And if people tell you you're of tune or whatever, just take it positively. After all, everyone wants the best for the performance. IF it is the instrument's prob, tell us! tell the QM! tell the exco! So that whatever can be done, CAN be done. Dont wait anymore, its the last 2+ weeks already!!!

But in any case, thanks everybody for the hard work. =)

Regards, Wenjie

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