
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Admin Post 290109

Good Evening All,

There will be NO Alumni practice this coming Saturday, as the Main Band will be using the instruments.

They will be having a sound check at Singapore Conference Hall and will report at school at 8.30am. Their time slot is from 10.30 onwards.

After the soundcheck, they will proceed to Yuying Secondary School (Near Kovan) for a music exchange. Alumni members are encouraged to help out for the event as they require people to help them record and take photos of their band setup.

Practices will resume on the following Saturday, 7th Feb.

Thank you and have a happy CNY!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Admin Post 140109

Good Evening,

The following are some pointers that the library officers of the Alumni would like you to know:

  1. To convenience accounting, Alumni members are not allowed to borrow any library score or files home.
  2. In the event that members require personal copies, members can order a set from the library latest by Wednesday, of which they will receive it on the Saturday of the same week.
  3. Members are allowed to collect the scores personally on week days in Anderson if needed, but notification in advance is appreciated.
  4. Photocopying of scores is at 5cents per page.
  5. Files are not allowed to be accessed without prior consent from the library officers. If need be, members can approach lydia from the Main Band on weekdays.
  6. Feel free to appraoach any library officers if there are not enough scores for the section.

Thank you for your kind attention!

There's CCA open house and homecoming this Saturday. Do come by to help out!

See you!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Admin Post 130109

Good Morning All,

There will be a band practice this coming Saturday 170109, same time at 9am. Kindly ignore the brief that was given last practice, wrong info then.

In the afternoon at 2pm, there will be the Anderson CCA Open House. Alumnus are encouraged to stay back to help out, and help interact with parents and sec1s, as the recruitment for this year is very important. Please do stay to help!

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Admin Post 060109

Good Morning All,

There will be a band practice from 9-1 this coming Saturday. Please turn up on time!

Also, the fund for booking VCH has been settled already. FYI.

Thank you!

In action