
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

AMBience VIII - Bringing you to our Musical World

Venue: Mrs Lee Choon Guan Concert Hall (Anglo-Chinese School Barker Road)
(50 Barker Road Singapore 309918)
Date: Saturday, 14 April 2012
Time: 1900hrs
Price: S$10

Tickets are at $10 each and can be purchased through any
Anderson Military Band/ Anderson Alumni Band Members.

Interested parties can also email us at
or SMS Seow Hui @ 96275973.

See you on 14 April 2012, Saturday at Mrs Lee Choon Guan Concert Hall (ACS Barker).

Best Regards,
Anderson Alumni Band

Monday, March 5, 2012

AMB Band Camp

Hi All!

For those interested in going for AMB band Camp, the details of camp are as followed:

14 - 16 March 2012
0800 (Day 1) - 1830 (Day 3)

Time slots that are highlighted by main band are:

Day 1 - 0900 - 1200 Instrument Maintenance + Sectionals
Day 2 - 0930 - 1145 Sectionals
1930 - 2230 Combined Band Practice* (Venue: Band Room)
Day 3 - 0815 - 1000 Bonding Games
1000 - 1200 Sectionals

For those that are interested in the full schedule, feel free to leave me an e-mail.

And for those coming to the band camp, please note that to help facilitate the organizing efforts of the leaders, i have requested that no extra food to be provided for the alumni. And if u are coming for the band camp, feel free to leave me an sms :)


Friday, March 2, 2012

Cancellation of Band Practice on 3rd March

Hi All!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the band practice on the 3rd March would be cancelled and do note that the first practice for AMBience VIII will be on the 9th March 2012.

Thank you for your kind understanding in the last minute notification! :)


In action